Friday, July 18, 2008


So I've noticed this trend with some of the other interns that they're creating their own spaces, and I feel like this is appropriate for me for two reasons:

1. I'm blogging a lot more than I thought I was going to (go figure) and I feel like I may take up more space in the communal blog.

2. I tend to forget to sign my entries. If you're reading in my own space, you know who's writing, lol.

I'm not going to move all of my other entries over, that's a little silly (though I must say I am tempted in an obsessive-compulsive sort of way).

A little explanation of the name of the blog: I mentioned in the Gene Wilder artist hour yesterday that Gladiator is my favorite movie of all time, and for that matter, Ridley Scott is probably my favorite director. Visually, his films are stunning, but there is one trend that makes me happy: he tends to ask of his DP: 'more backlight! more dust (fog, steam, rain, haze, atmospherics in general)!'

Blade Runner

Kingdom of Heaven

You get the idea. So I feel the quote from Oliver Reed's character, Proximo, fits his style (and I'd like to think my own tastes) quite well. The quote is "we mortals are but shadows and dust".

Geeky? Yes. Obsessive? A little...

Anyway, right now I am sitting in the Fairfield Starbucks listening to the White Stripes on rather loud volume to cover up the sounds of teeny-boppers >< high schoolers...

Also working on my concept work for 'Beehive', the 1960s musical revue I'm designing for the fall. Pondering some psychedelic projection patterns :-D but not certain about those, could be a total bitch but could be SUPER SWEET! Thoughts on projection? Anyone? Simple stuff like stripes and swirls; not sure if I need a projector or just some creative gobo-usage but we'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE YOU ASHLEY! I am so glad that you are still alive on the planet.

And yes yes yes I do want to meet your significant manliness.

Call me when you are back in town.